Thursday, July 05, 2012

Life, time, etc.

So i'm hanging out at my favorite political blog. It's late, and the proprietor is posting music videos. Little Feat . . .

. . . and the Grateful Dead. . . .

Sitting on my back porch after midnight, with my laptop in my lap, listening to youtubes. I'm back at the Armadillo, a 20-something hippie chick dancing.

The night before I was having dinner with Darksyde at Threadgill's. I'm now 60-something, and I'm in the same place - the intersection of Barton Springs Road and Riverside Drive. Instead of dancing, I'm having an earnest discussion about health care reform.

But the dancer hasn't gone anywhere. Forty years has passed, that's all.

[published on 8/28/09]

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