Saturday, June 19, 2021

It's not over

Remarkably effective vaccines that prevent serious illness and death from Covid have been available to all Americans since April 16, two months ago. First shot + second shot + 2 weeks for the body to develop full immunity = 6 weeks.

Those spreading false Information about the vaccine, causing people to be afraid to protect themselves against a deadly virus are going to be responsible for almost all of the deaths from Covid from here on.

I only say "almost all" instead of all because no vaccine ever made is perfect. And people who are severely immune compromised may not to be able to make a sufficient immune response even when vaccinated.

Although he death rate has plummeted since the vaccines became available, there are still hundreds of Americans – wives, fathers, daughters, brothers, best friends, neighbors – dying every day from Covid. Except for a literal handful of the immune compromised, all were unvaccinated and all of their deaths did not have to happen, all of their deaths were preventable.

But this is what we'll be seeing for some time:

Manatee County, in the Tampa suburb of Bradenton, Florida –

"On Monday, June 18, 2021, more than two months after the vaccine became available to everyone, one of four IT staffers, who had been hospitalized with COVID-19 died, according to County Administrator Scott Hopes. A fifth IT staffer who went to the doctor on Wednesday, died at home Thursday from COVID-19.

The one staffer in the department who worked closely with the other five, but who did not contract the coronavirus, was vaccinated. 

'These were not elderly employees,' Hopes said. Both staffer who died, a man and a woman, were in their 50's. Those who were hospitalized were as young as their late 30's, according to Hopes, causing him concern that we could be seeing one of the stronger variants in these cases." 


06/18/21—The Manatee County Administration Building is closed until Monday after several people reportedly contracted COVID-19. Several weeks ago the county commission voted to lift the mask requirements inside the building


COVID-19 outbreak forces closure of Manatee government headquarters. 2 people have died ead more here:

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